Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 
    Mar 05, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

Financial Aid

Financial aid is financial assistance provided to eligible students through the Financial Aid Office in the form of grants, part-time work, and scholarships to help pay the cost of attending college. Financial aid is routed through federal, state, and local agencies and programs. These may include scholarships, Federal Pell Grants, Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG), Federal Work-Study Program (FWS), Navajo Nation Scholarship, and American Indian Scholarship Fund. Aid eligibility is determined by a formula established by the Department of Education and an analysis of the family’s financial information and demonstrated need using the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Financial Aid Applications can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office at Navajo Technical University.

Students enrolled in an eligible certificate, associate, or bachelor degree programs are encouraged to apply for financial aid to offset their cost of attendance at Navajo Technical University (NTU). NTU administers federal, state, tribal, institutional grants and scholarship programs to assist students based on their financial need and/or academic merit. NTU provides equal opportunity for financial assistance to eligible students through federal, tribal, state, institutional, and private sources regardless of sex, color, age, or other circumstance.

To speak with a financial aid officer on campus, please call the Financial Aid Office at (505) 387 -7442or (505) 387-7417. The Financial Aid Office in Chinle is (928) 882-3137

Student must have a high school diploma or equivalent, and must be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen. Male students must comply with Selective Service registration requirements.

All students must complete the following as early as possible:

  • Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) online at www.fafsa.gov. The FAFSA/ISIR response will determine a student’s Expected Family Contribution (EFC).
  • Additional financial aid information is available at NTU’s Financial Aid Office and online at http://www.navajotech.edu.

Cost of Attendance (COA)

Navajo Technical University has established a cost of attendance (COA) for Dependent and Independent students as well as for students living in Residence Life on main campus. The Pell Grant award is based on the COA and student/parent’s EFC - expected family contribution; therefore, no two student’s awards are exact. An estimated cost of attendance (COA) for an On Campus student living in the dorm/Residence Life for one semester:

Estimated COA
Tuition and Fees $1,180
Books and Supplies $1,300
Room and Board $1,140 + $1,680 $2,820
Transportation $ 800
Personal $1,250
Total Estimated COA: $7,350
  • Direct costs for student in dorm: Tuition & Fees, Books & Supplies, including learning device (laptop) and Room & Board.
  • Indirect costs: Transportation and Personal expenses.

Estimated Award: On Campus student, enrolled Full-time and EFC = 0

Estimated Award
Pell Grant $2,960 COA $7,350
Navajo Nation $2,500 Less Total Aid $5,460
Total Aid $5,460 Unmet Need $1,890

Award Amounts vary based on several factors:

  • Enrollment Status
  • Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)
  • Program of Study - Degree Program
  • Dependent or Independent
  • Child care expenses

Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy (SAP)

Federal regulations require NTU to establish satisfactory academic progress standards for students who are receiving Title IV financial assistance and Veteran’s Benefits. NTU’s Financial Aid Office reviews grades at the end of each semester for certificate program and the end of the academic year for Associates and Bachelor degree programs. Measures in satisfactory academic progress are in the following areas: grade point average (GPA), completion rate or pace, maximum timeframe and Pell Lifetime Eligibility.

Students receiving financial aid and Veteran’s Benefits must make satisfactory academic progress toward the completion of a certificate or degree program. NTU has both a qualitative and quantitative measure of academic progress:

Qualitative Standard:

  • Minimum grade point average (GPA)

Quantitative Standards (Pace):

  • The maximum timeframe a student has to complete a degree,
  • A minimum percentage of courses attempted must be passed, and
  • A maximum number of courses from which a student is allowed to withdraw or drop.
Semester Hour Load 67% Minimum Completion Rate per Semester
Full-Time (12 Credits or more) Must satisfactorily Complete 8 credits
Three-Quarter Time (9-11 Credits) Must satisfactorily Complete 6 credits
Part-Time (6-8 Credits) Must satisfactorily Complete 4 credits
Less than Half-Time (1-5 Credits) Must satisfactorily complete the number of hours funded

NOTE: Grades of F, I, W, or IP are not accepted as passing and could affect eligibility for future financial aid. (See “Student Academic Standing ” in this Catalog).

SAP Impact of Course Repetition, Withdrawals, Incompletes, Transfer Credits, or Changes in Major

Course Repetition

Repeat credits are applied when a student repeats a course in order to improve a grade. Students are al- lowed to repeat any previously passed course and have it count toward enrollment for financial aid eligibility only once. Each attempt at the course, however, will count toward a student’s pace and maximum timeframe.

Official Withdrawal

A school’s SAP policy cannot exclude “W” grades in SAP reviews. Withdrawal hours are assigned when a student withdraws from a class after the drop period. Withdrawal hours count as credit hours attempted to- ward both pace and maximum timeframe.

Unofficial Withdrawal

An unofficial withdrawal occurs when a student does not successfully complete any courses (receives all “F” grades), stops attending classes, or did not complete any coursework. A student with an unofficial withdrawal may be required to repay up to 50% of his/her financial aid received for the term. Students who never attended any of their classes and did not complete any course work are required to repay 100% of the financial aid received for the semester or summer term. Non-attendance does not relieve students of the financial responsibility for tuition charges once they are registered for a class.


Incomplete (I) is a temporary grade that is assigned only in exceptional circumstances. It will be given only to students who cannot complete the work of a course on schedule because of illness or other circumstances beyond their control. Once an official grade is received, students should notify the Financial Aid Office.

Transfer Credits

Coursework taken at another institution that is accepted and officially transfers as transfer credit by NTU will count as both attempted and completed credit hours toward pace and maximum timeframe. Students who exceed the maximum timeframe can submit a SAP Appeal to determine if their aid can be reinstated.

Change in Major

Students who have changed majors or are pursuing a second degree may reach their maximum timeframe before their program of study is complete. All credits attempted are treated in the quantitative, qualitative, and maximum timeframe standards for SAP.

Financial Aid Information

For general information about the Free Application for Student Financial Aid (FASFA), or to obtain Federal Student Aid publications, call this toll free number: 1-800-4-FED-AID (1-800-433-3243)

To check on the processing of your federal student financial aid application, or to request a copy of your Student Aid Report (SAR) call: 1-800-433-3243 TYY for Deaf or Hearing Impaired call 1-800-730-8913.

The FAFSA school code for Navajo Technical University is 016119.

VA Educational Benefits

Navajo Technical University supports our Veterans who served by providing certificate and degree programs. Veterans considering applying for GI Bill® benefits should go online: www.benefits.va.gov to access the eBenefits: https://www.va.gov/education/how-to-apply/ to complete their VA form 22-1990. The NTU Financial Aid Officer will then certify those courses that are on the certificate or degree plan. Any questions regarding education benefits should be addressed to the call center at 1-888-442-4551 Monday-Friday from 7am - 6pm CST (Central Standard Time). The Navajo Technical University Veteran’s certifying official is located in the Financial Aid Office, 505-786-4183.

Financial Aid Websites:

Student Guide http://studentaid.ed.gov/students/publications/student_guide/index.html
FASFA http://www.fafsa.ed.gov/
Federal Student Aid http://studentaid.edu.gov/PORTALSWebApp/students/english/index.jsp
American Indian College Fund http://collegefund.org

Additional Degree(s)

A student who already has an equivalent of an AA or AS degree (or higher) does not qualify for additional Pell Grant funds unless he or she is seeking a Bachelor of Science degree.


Students may repeat courses previously taken at NTU to better their understanding or to improve their grade. A transcript shows that the course was repeated, but only the higher grade is used to compute the student’s Cumulative Grade Average.


Courses may be retaken, but only one retake of a course counts towards a student’s eligibility for financial aid purposes.

If students with disabilities can demonstrate equal or higher academic performance as their typical college peers and/or demonstrate the ability to maintain satisfactory academic progress, they may be considered eligible for accommodations such as course substitutions. Course substitutions could be a workshop, independent study, special topic classes, or practicum experiences.

The substitute course must be at the freshman and sophomore levels, and be closely related in content, objectives, and outcomes to the original required course. Such accommodations will be considered on a case-by-case basis to ensure students with disabilities meet the necessary and required coursework for the specific degree or certificate program.

Financial Aid Warning

Recipients of financial aid will receive a financial aid warning notice after any semester in which their semester/term grade point average falls below the Completion Rate/Pace” and/or they fail to satisfactorily complete 67% of the credit hours in which they are enrolled.

The financial aid warning letter serves as a WARNING to the student that he/she did not maintain satisfactory academic progress during the most recent semester of attendance at Navajo Technical University. Failure to meet one of the academic progress standards for one semester results in financial aid warning. Students on financial aid warning are eligible for Title IV Funds. Students will be removed from warning status after completing the following semester in good academic standing.

Financial Aid Suspension

Recipients of financial aid will be suspended from aid if they fail to meet the semester grade point average and/or to complete 67% of their enrollment for TWO (2) semesters of academic coursework. Failure to meet one of the academic progress standards for two consecutive semesters may result in financial aid suspension. Students on financial aid suspension are not eligible for Title IV Funds.

Reinstatement of Financial Aid Eligibility

A student may lose federal and institutional aid eligibility because he/she is not meeting the SAP GPA or Pace standards.

A student may regain eligibility in one of the following ways:

  1. Submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal Form with supporting documentation. A student must be advancing toward a degree and show progress within the SAP Academic plan for graduation.

    Financial Aid Probation: If student’s FA Suspension appeal is approved, the student will be awarded on a Financial Aid Probation Status and must complete all credits with a 2.0 grade point average, otherwise, he/she will go on FA Suspension.
  2. Complete one semester using his or her own resources. Courses taken must be chosen in consultation with an Academic Advisor. A student must advance toward attaining a degree and adhere to the Degree Checklist.

Once eligibility is restored, a student will be awarded aid for the following terms, subject to availability of funds.

Return to Title IV (Refund & Repayment Policy)

If students receiving federal financial aid withdraw from the University, the amount of the financial aid to be repaid or refunded is calculated using a formula supplied by the U.S. Department of Education. The last day of attendance is used to calculate the total amount to be repaid. A refund is the difference between the amounts paid toward institutional cost (including financial aid and/or cash paid) and the amount the school may retain under the appropriate refund policy. See the Financial Aid Student Handbook for detailed information on the Title IV Refund/Repayment policy.

The order of refund of Title IV funds to the programs from which the student received aid during the payment period or period of enrollment is in the following, up to the net amount disbursed from each source:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Stafford loans*
  2. Subsidized Federal Stafford loans*
  3. Unsubsidized Direct Stafford loans (other than PLUS loans)
  4. Subsidized Direct Stafford loans
  5. Federal Perkins loans
  6. Federal PLUS loans
  7. Direct PLUS loans
  8. Federal Pell Grants for which a return of funds is required
  9. Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) for which a return of funds is required
  10. Federal TEACH Grants for which a return is required.

NOTE: *Navajo Technical University does not participate in the Federal Student Loan Program and will not certify enrollment or share information with potential lenders.

Changes That May Impact Eligibility (Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2012: Effective July 1, 2012)

  • Federal Pell Grant Duration of Eligibility - Be- ginning award year 2012-2013, the duration of a student’s eligibility to receive a Federal Pell Grant is reduced from 18 semesters or its equivalent to 12 semesters or its equivalent. The calculation of the duration of a student’s eligibility will include all years of the student’s receipt of Federal Pell Grant funding.
  • Pell Grant Lifetime Limit - Beginning Fall 2012, students are now limited to receiving 12 semesters of Pell Grant eligibility during their lifetime. This change affects all students regardless of when or where they received their first Pell Grant. Students may view their percentage of Pell Grant used by logging into www.NSLDS.ed.gov. Your ‘Lifetime Eligibility Used’ percentage will be displayed in the ‘Grants’ section.

Completion Rate/Pace & Maximum Timeframe

(Effective: Fall 2015)
Classification Credit Hours GPA
Freshman 0-32 1.500
Sophomore 33-64 1.750
Junior 65-96 2.000
Senior 97-128 2.000

Maximum Timeframe/Pace

The US Department of Education places a credit hour limit on funding for all financial aid students. Funding is available until a student has reached 150% of the credit hours required to complete their program. This includes all double majors, additional degrees, repeat credits, and transfer credits (example: AS in Early Childhood Multicultural Program = 70 credits × 150% = 105 credit hour maximum timeframe)

Paying Prior-Year Charges

In general, FSA funds may only be used to pay for the student’s costs for the period for which the funds are provided. However, a school may use current-year funds to satisfy prior award year charges for tuition and fees, room, or board (and with permission, educationally related charges) for a total of not more than $200. A school may not pay prior year charges in excess of $200.

Federal Work Study Program (FWS)

FWS is a federally-funded program and a part of the Title IV student aid funds. It provides jobs for students with financial need, allowing them to earn money to help pay for their education expenses.

Student Consumer Information

NTU provides current information through annual publications on students’ rights and responsibilities concerning financial aid. Students may request copies of the Financial Aid Student Handbook and the Student Guide at the Financial Aid Office in person, by mail, by telephone, or online at www.navajotech.edu.

Financial Aid Appeal Process

Students who fail to maintain satisfactory academic progress and are notified of financial aid suspension may appeal to be eligible for federal funds. The Financial Aid Officer or the FA Committee will review the appeal(s). An appeal should be based on extenuating circumstances and documented by the student; i.e. hospitalization, accident, death in the family, etc. The results of the appeal will be sent to the student following consideration and decision. Information and forms are available at the Financial Aid Office or online at www.navajotech.edu.

NOTE: Students are encouraged to seek other available resources.

Financial Aid Office Location/Contact

The Financial Aid Office is located in the Skyhawk Central Building at the Main Campus and at the Chinle NTU Site. For More Information, Call:

Crownpoint Campus Chinle Site

Phone: 505-387 -7442
or 387-7417

Fax: 505-786-5644


Fax: 928-882-3162

Grants and Scholarships

Students applying for these scholarships must complete a FAFSA. These scholarships are established by public sources and private donors. Support is based on the availability of funds.

Navajo Nation Scholarship and Financial Assistance (ONNSFA)

For ONNSFA requirements, see ONNSFA Policies and Procedures online at www.onnsfa.org. All applicants must apply at their respective agency.

Crownpoint Agency
Email: onnsfacrownpoint@navajo-nsn.gov
PO Box 1080
Crownpoint, NM 87313
Toll Free: (866) 254-9913
Fax Number: (505) 786-2178

Ft. Defiance Agency
Email: onnsfacentral@navajo-nsn.gov
PO Box 1870
Window Rock, AZ 86515
Toll Free: (800) 243-2956
Fax Number: (928) 871-6561

Shiprock Agency
Email: onnsfashiprock@navajo-nsn.gov
PO Box 1349
Shiprock, NM 87420
Toll Free: (866) 223-6457
Fax Number: (505) 368-1338

Tuba City Agency
Email: onnsfatubacity@navajo-nsn.gov
PO Box 370
Tuba City, AZ 86045
Toll Free: (866) 839-8151
Fax Number: (928) 283-3215

Chinle Agency
Email: onnsfachinle@navajo-nsn.gov
Office of Navajo Nation Scholarship &
Financial Assistance - Chinle Agency
P.O. Box 2358 Chinle, Arizona 86503
Toll free: 1-800-919-9269, Fax: (928) 674-2331
Website: www.onnsfa.org

Navajo Nation Chapter Scholarships

Navajo Nation Chapter Assistance is available at each chapter throughout the Navajo Nation. Check with your local chapter for requirements.

Utah Navajo Royalties Holding Fund

The Utah Navajo Trust Fund makes financial aid available to Navajo residents of Utah. The office is located in Blanding, Utah. Applications are available at the Financial Aid and Scholarship Office.

Other Scholarships

Many organizations such as churches, businesses, and civic groups offer scholarships each semester. Others receive assistance from employers, credit unions, corporations, foundations, or professional associations.

The Financial Aid and Scholarship Office have information about the following:

  1. American Indian College Fund (online application only)
  2. American Indian Education Foundation / National Relief Charities
  3. American Indian Services
  4. Gates Millennium Scholarships
  5. Indian Health Service Scholarships
  6. Navajo Tribal Utility Authority
  7. Tom Davis Scholarship
  8. AMP Scholarship
  9. Other Tribal Scholarships
  10. New Mexico Lottery Success Program