Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022 
    Mar 05, 2025  
Undergraduate Catalog 2021-2022

Services Provided to Students

NTU offers a variety of services to assist and support students in attaining their educational goals. These student-centered services supplement NTU’s academic offerings, help facilitate learning, and empower students to succeed personally as well as academically. For an in-depth description of services, please refer to the NTU Student Handbook.

Change of Address/Name

It is very important that the student keep the Registrar’s office informed of any changes made, including name, mailing and home address. To make the address/name change, forms are available at the Registrar/Admissions office. Name changes require a copy of the Social Security Card indicating the new name.

Student Identification Number

NTU assigns a Student ID number upon admission to the university. Student ID is required when purchasing books, meals, library and for transportation and must be available at all times for security purposes.

Student Orientation

Student orientation is conducted at the beginning of each semester. Students are informed of NTU Policies and Procedures in order to help them become acquainted with campus life. All new and transfer students are expected to attend student orientation. It is the sole responsibility of the student to become familiar with all information regarding their status as a student at NTU.

Academic Counseling and Advisement

The Academic Counselor and Advisors coordinate with the First Year Advisor to assist in evaluating student’s abilities and interests to develop realistic academic and career goals. Advisement includes academic planning, choosing a major, planning for a certificate, an associate or a baccalaureate degree, and planning strategies for academic success. The counselor works with students placed on academic probation and a student readmitted on academic suspension and places them on contracts to work toward raising their cumulative grade point averages to include support services such as tutoring. The counselor monitors and meets with faculty to assess the progress of the student. The counselor also conducts academic support workshops. For more information, call Crownpoint campus at (505) 387-387-7462, 7365, or 387-7514 or Chinle campus at (928) 882-3139.

First Year Experience

The First Year Experience Program has been developed to strengthen the retention rate, improve operational efficiencies, communication effectiveness and long term success of First Year students at Navajo Technical University.

  • Strengthen retention rates at all campuses.
    • Work with student on Academic goals
    • Work with student on Career goals
  • Help underprepared high school students for NTU
    • Advisement in Educational planning
      • Assist student in choosing a major
      • Assist student with academic planning for academic success at NTU
      • Assist student to adjusting/adapting to NTU student life
  • Improve communication and effectiveness for services for First Year Students
    • work with faculty, staff and administration
      • Academic soft skills and tutoring needs
  • Improve enrollment and graduation success
    • Advisement for continuing education
    • Participation in Academic Resources on campus
    • Participation in Non-Academic Counseling Resources on campus

Contact: First Year Experience Career & Academic Advisor. Phone Number: 505-387-7470

Substance Abuse and Prevention Program

The Student Substance Abuse & Counseling office is located on the second floor of the Student Wellness Center; the counselor is a professional trained to assist students in a variety of concerns, chemical dependency, interpersonal relationships, mental health, family, trauma and crisis situations. Services are completely confidential and are for NTU students only.

Services included, but are not limited to:

  1. One-to-one counseling
  2. Screening for a variety of mental health issues
  3. Chemical Dependency Services
  4. Workshops, events, and activities
  5. Referrals to outside agencies (traditional provider)

Students may schedule appointments or stop at the Counseling Center Monday-Friday 8:30am to 4:00pm. Student Wellness Center, Room 214 24-hour number (505) 387-7473

Career Services

Career advisement is offered to provide guidance to students in selecting a career path which is consistent to the student’s academic program at NTU. The career advisor uses a computer-based pre-assessment to evaluate the student’s, interests, skills, and aptitude to identify his/her career competencies.

Internship Program

Some programs require an internship where students have the opportunity to apply practical, job- specific skills in an actual work situation in cooperation with businesses in the private and public sector. Students enrolled in these programs must complete their internship to qualify for graduation. The student must meet with the advisor and assigned faculty advisor to begin the process of sub- mitting documents and officially registering for the course with the Registrar’s Office. More in-depth information can be found in the NTU Internship Policy.

The career development program aspires to provide students with an advantage in the job market by giving them an opportunity to enrich their skills in an on-the-job learning environment. The career development program can:

  • Provide students with the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills necessary for success in a career or continued education opportunities
  • Offer students the opportunity to prepare for a career through on-the-job experience or a research-based learning environment
  • Provide students with guidance in selecting a specific career path and/or in choosing a college to complete educational goals
  • Strengthen students’ employability in today’s job market.

The Career/Internship Advisor may be contacted by phone at (505) 387-7372. The Career Services Coordinator’s contact number is (505) 387-7372. Career Services is located on the 2nd floor of the SUB.

Accommodation Services

NTU is committed to meeting the specific needs of students with disabilities and complies with the provisions of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990 (42 U.S.C.12102) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. In general, the term “individual with a disability” means an individual with any disability (as defined in Sec. 3 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (42 U.S.C. 12102). Students are responsible to self- identify and discuss their disability and special needs in order to receive reasonable accommodations. To request accommodations, contact the special needs counselor at (505) 387-7396or visit Room # 225 in the Student Union Building. Employees are to visit the Human Resources Office.

Child Care Services

The NTU Child Care Services provide child care services for NTU Students. Upon availability, Child Care Services provide a nurturing environment, employs a curriculum that promote social-emotional, physical, language and cognitive development, and encourages positive parent and child interactions. Contact Child Care Services for more information. Child Care Services is located northeast of the cafeteria or call (505) 387-7466

Cafeteria and Food Services

The cafeteria provides meals for the staff, students, and the surrounding community at a reasonable cost of $7.00 per meal. The cafeteria hours are posted and open year-round with the exception of the holidays. All students are required to complete the meal plan form indicating which meals they will be eating during the semester. Meal plans must be submitted to the Food Services office during registration but prior to the last day to drop deadline. Contact number is (505) 387-7385. Only available at Crownpoint Campus.

Student Residential Services

NTU provides residential housing for both single students and students with families at the main campus. Students who live beyond a 50-mile radius from NTU, who are enrolled full time at NTU, and have submitted all required documents are eligible to apply, if the dorm or family housing is not filled after the second week, those full time students who applied will be considered. Security deposits are required prior to occupancy of any NTU housing facility. First preference is given to Native American students as the facilities are funded by the Native American Housing Assistant and Self Determination Act of 1996. NTU offers efficiency apartments for single students and family housing for married students and their children. See student residential housing handbook for more information or by calling (505)387-7372, ext. 1006. Only available at Crownpoint Campus.

Parking and Transportation Services

Transportation to and from NTU campus is available to commuter NTU students at various locations which include Gallup, Farmington, Pueblo Pintado, and Chinle site. If you are requesting a specific route or additional information, please contact the Fleet Management office during registration in order to set the route schedule for the current semester. No new route or van stops will be added after the drop/add deadline. Fleet management services are subject to availability. There is a Transportation fee per Fall and Spring Semester. NTU does not provide student transportation for the summer session.

Parking is readily available and close to all classrooms. Parking Permits are available for all NTU students. Registration for a parking permit will be provided at the Fleet Management office. Navajo Technical University is not responsible for problem that arise as a result of missed rides or accidents, and or loss/theft/ or damage to personal property. Contact the Fleet Management office at (505) 387-7498 or 387-7495for information. Information is also available under the NTU website - Regional Transit with information regarding routes and deadline for enrollment for student transportation


The university contracts a third party company for campus security. The officer on duty may be contacted at (505) 387-7480. Preventing a crime and protecting one another is a responsibility shared by all personnel and students on campus. Please promptly report a crime, suspicious activity, or emergencies that occur on campus. Contact Chinle Campus at (928) 882-3133.


The NTU Bookstore maintains a complete inventory of university textbooks and school supplies including notebooks, pens, pencils, folders, and NTU apparel. The bookstore hours are Monday - Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Location of Bookstore is first floor of Student Union Building. Contact number is (505) 387-7497.

Nitsáhákees Bee’anoosééł Student Success

Tutoring is available to all students in the Nitsáhákees Bee’anoosééł Student Success Center. The center offers tutoring services and general use of computers. In lieu of structured tutoring, the facilities may be used simply as a quiet place to work on homework assignments. Hours of operation vary from semester to semester, but include some afternoons and evenings. Specific hours are posted on the entrance door and on posting boards throughout the campus. Tutorial Services is also a source of employment for students qualified for the work-study program. The NSSC is located in the Student Union Building. Contact number is (505) 387-7383.

Computer Services

Students using computers at NTU are expected to follow the Information Technology policy and procedures. Students using NTU e-mail, Internet Services, or any University software or hardware, should have an understanding that this technology is provided by NTU and is the property of NTU. The University reserves the right to review and monitor the use of hardware and software belonging to the school or personal equipment utilized on school premises. Such rights include the auditing of documents sent, received, or viewed through the Internet and e- mail. Students have no right to privacy regarding materials stored, kept, sent, or received on NTU hardware or software or personal equipment maintained on school premises. Students are not to print, display, download, or send any sexually explicit images, messages, or jokes or to visit chat rooms, message boards, or other forums where sexually explicit, offensive, or illegal issues are discussed. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from NTU. For the protection/privacy of individual students and that of NTU, students are advised not to share passwords or provide computer access to unauthorized individuals. Students are subject to the NTU Computer and Network Usage Policy.

NOTE: Students who vandalize, misuse, or steal any NTU property and/or equipment will be subject to disciplinary action up to or including dismissal from NTU and possibly be subject to prosecution through the Navajo Nation Courts, to include restitution to NTU.

Library Services

The NTU Library is located on the main campus. There are tables for study and laptop use. Library users have access to research computers in the library with printing capabilities. Wireless connectivity is available for most devices throughout the building.

Library Resources

The library collections contain over 7,000+ print & non-print volumes, arranged according to the Library of Congress Classification System. The library subscribes to over forty research databases including: Academic Search Premier, ArticlesFirst, CINALH, Credo Reference, ERIC, Literature Resource Center, Newsbank, Computers & Applied Sciences, FirstSearch, Environmental Complete, Wilson Science Full-text, Wilson General Science and WorldCat. The library research databases can be accessed off-campus via NTU Library website with user id and password. Contact the Librarian for access. Students may borrow books or obtain copies of articles via the library’s InterLibrary Loan (ILL) service when the requested items are not owned by the library (note: the process may take up to two weeks or less to receive materials from other libraries in our network). For more information on the services and resources available at the library, please call the circulation desk at 505-387-7469.

Distance Learning (E-Learning)

NTU’s goal is to expand access to higher education opportunities for individual and community members of the Navajo Nation and others through electronically offered classes. Distance learning and online teaching technology will be used to provide relevant and timely coursework, information, and training to enhance the learning experience by removing the barriers of both time and place. Students can enroll at NTU from off-campus computer labs or at home. NTU is approved by New Mexico Higher Education Department (NMHED) to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) and also partnered with SUN PATH and WICHE ICE. The partnership offers NTU access to the many Higher Learning online courses within the State of New Mexico and the region. Vice-versa, other Universities and Colleges would be able to enroll in our online courses. This helps with articulation and course sharing, which helps in cost savings, and ensures our students to graduate on time. All SUN ONLINE courses are Quality Matters (QM) certified. The E-Learning office contact number is (505) 387-7366.

Adult Education Program

The Navajo Technical University Adult Education Program, formerly known as GED/ABE, offers academic courses regarding learning and preparing to challenge either the office state GED or Hi-SET exams. Our goals are to provide guidance to our adult learners with a variety of innovative learning experience which will aide in transforming into a higher learning environment. We encourage, and strengthen their academic skills that will support their educational endeavors and be successful in it. In addition, they are provided the skills that adhere to our cultural teachings in the Dine Philosophy of Education that will enable them to become self-sufficient, and provide a productive lifestyle to their families, children, and community.

The Program complies with the State of New Mexico GED requirements including:

  • Must be 16 or 17 years of age if you meet the following exceptions:
  • Obtain and submit a permission form with consent from local school District as well as from parents or guardian. One does not need to live in New Mexico to take the GED test with the Program.
  • Must complete the pre-post-tests and practice test after spending a certain amount of prescribed time required by the Program.
  • The Program does not require that a student takes a GED Practice Test prior to taking an Official GED Test, however; it is recommended that a Practice Test be taken to ensure preparedness and readiness to take the Official Test.

The New GED testing are administered on computers call Computer Based Testing (CBT). The new generation of testing will be harder to pass and will include four components and will require all candidates to improve or develop their basic computer literacy skills. Four (4) subjects in the New GED Test are:

  1. Reading Language Arts (RLA) - (150 minutes). Writing and Reading are combined as RLA.
  2. Mathematical Reasoning - (120 minutes).
  3. Science - (90 minutes)
  4. Social Studies - (95 minutes)

Students must register to schedule to test which will require a mandatory GED Orientation scheduled by the Program Instructors. Students will schedule testing when referred by the Instructor.

All prior AE Program testing scores and records were erased during November 2013, and cannot be used as credit toward your diploma.

The AE office contact number is (505) 387-7420.

Land Grant Program

The mission of Navajo Technical University Land Grant Program is to assist individuals and communities in making informed decisions through research and experience-based educational programs, to improve agriculture and natural resources, to improve capabilities of individuals and families, to aid communities in developing and adapting to changing conditions, and to provide developmental opportunities for youth. Land Grant staff is employed to plan, conduct, and evaluate these programs.

This community-based Extension Services program at Navajo Technical University maintains close coordination and cooperation with other area Extension Programs to provide clientele with educational programs in the program areas of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Family Health and Well Being, Community Resource Development, and 4-H Youth Development.

Land Grant programs and activities in the region of Navajo Technical University are based on identified needs of clientele. Needs assessment involves working with advisory committees, key leaders, and partnering organizations, analyzing socio-economic data, consulting with tribal and county government, collaborative planning with 1994 land-grant colleges located in Northern New Mexico, and other appropriate assessment procedures.

The Land Grant office is located on the South Campus near the corner of State Highway 371and Navajo Route 9. For more information, please call (505) 387-7418.

Student Life and Activity Office

The Student Activity Office oversees the majority of the student extracurricular activities on campus and participates in all Student Senate meetings and planned activities. The NTU Student Senate is involved in the establishment and support of student clubs as well as implementation of student activities during the semester. The office helps with arrangements for off-site activities and is responsible for all recreational equipment. The office coordinates most of the activities with the Student Senate members. Participation in campus activities require students to be in good standing status.

Other Student Organizations include:

  • American Indian Higher Education Consortium (AIHEC) - Basketball
  • American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)
  • National Technical Honor Society of NTU
  • Skills USA

Some other activities planned for each semester include (but are not limited to) softball games, dances, cookouts, volleyball games, archery, family fun nights, and holiday-related activities. Contact the Student Activity Office coordinator by phone at (505) 786-4172. Chinle Campus: (928) 882-3133.


NTU teams have goals to place in their conference, regional, and national championships in a variety of sports. Winning teams have become a tradition at NTU in both men’s and women’s sports. Community support for intercollegiate athletics at NTU has been outstanding. The caliber of coaching, the quality of uniforms and equipment, the training and medical facilities, and the opportunity to play against good competition are superior. NTU Athletic Programs aspire to the highest level of intercollegiate competition, sportsmanship and academic excellence through the University mission.

Intercollegiate Athletics for Men and Women

NTU Intercollegiate teams for men and women include Archery, Cross-country, Rodeo and Track. Winning is the goals as teams participate in United States Collegiate Archery Association (USCA), United States Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA) and National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA). These teams excel in their respective national associations. NTU Athletes must first follow Navajo Technical University rules and policies. Secondly, NTU Athletes must follow the applicable rules and policies of the U.S. Collegiate Athletic Association (USCAA), the USA Archery, and the National Intercollegiate Rodeo Association (NIRA). Tryout information for the men’s and women’s team and student athlete forms can be found on the university website under athletics.

For further information contact the Athletic Director at 505.387.7477 or the Student Life & Activities Coordinator at 505.387.7444.

Non-Competitive Wellness Programs:

Walking for You (W4U)

This cardio program is for individuals to walk, jog, run, or cycle at their own pace. To complete this program an individual need to complete 30 hours of cardio exercise. When the program is complete the individual will get a certificate of completion.

Strength Training for You (ST4U)

The strength program is intended for an individual who work out and lift weights at their own pace. To complete this program an individual need to complete 30 hours of work outs. When the program is completed the individual will get a certificate of completion.

For more information, please contact the Athletic Director:

Crownpoint Campus Wellness Center
P. O. Box 849
Crownpoint, New Mexico 87313
Telephone: (505) 387-7477
Fax: (505) 786-5644